Image fusion is a generally utilized technique to coordinate that information, while image enlistment and radiometric standardization are two essential methods in changing multi-temporal or multi-sensor information into indistinguishable geometric and radiometric bases individually. Image fusion procedure can be characterized as the reconciliation of data from various enlisted images without the presentation of twisting. It is regularly unrealistic to get an image that contains every important protest in core interest. This paper talks about different types of image fusion methods. All these accessible procedures are intended for specific sort of images. As of not long ago, of most elevated pertinence for remote detecting information preparing and investigation have been strategies for pixel level image combination for which a wide range of routines have been created and a rich hypothesis exists. Analysts have demonstrated that combination procedures that work on such components in the change area yield subjectively preferred melded images over pixel based methods. For this reason, feature based fusion methods that are normally in light of experimental or heuristic tenets are utilized. The aim of the paper is to expound extensive variety of calculations their similar study together. There are numerous systems proposed by diverse research with a specific end goal to meld the images and produce the reasonable visual of the image.