Processes associated with undergraduate final year projects have always been a manual process which requires a lot of paperwork and could sometimes be a cumbersome and tiring task for the personnel in charge. The manual process sometimes leads to time wasting, impeding of project work because the student carrying out the project work is not able to update the lecturer on the level of execution of the project. Also due to unavailability of a content management system or repository, duplicity of previously carried out final year projects is experienced. It could be sensed by the project supervisors or the personnel in charge that this particular project has been done but where is the proof? Where is the system that out rightly bounces the topic back when the student puts it forward or bring forth a list of projects that has keywords present in the chosen project topic? This project work therefore, eliminates or reduces the error of allowing a student to carry out a project that has been done before as well as cutting down on the cost and time required by the student to produce a quality technical report. It also helps to prevent the forgery of signatures usually experienced during the final clearance stage of the students after the conclusion of the project work. During the clearance stages, the completed stages will be noted by the computer until the final stage of the clearance stage is completed and the print button can be clicked upon by the student to bring forth the completed clearance form. In this work, we developed an intranet portal platform that can integrate all the processes above into one system