Data transmission through metallic structures is commonly needed in industrial control applications. in an exceedingly range of those applications, mechanically penetrating the structure to pass cables and establish a wired communication link is either impossible or undesirable. Examples of such structures include metal bulkheads, pressure vessels, or pipelines. Ultrasonic communication has been projected as an answer for through-metal information transfer without penetrating the structure. The reverberating nature of the through-metal channel, however, will cause significant inter-symbol interference, limiting the info rate possible by conventional single-carrier communication techniques. During this paper, we tend to describe a through-metal communication technique that exploits the slow-varying nature of the ultrasonic channel to implement AN orthogonal-frequency-division multiplexing-based rate-adaptive peak-to-average power quantitative relation (PAPR) reduction algorithm. Measurements of the projected adaptive algorithm have demonstrated transmitted output rates. This improvement provides the desired output and error rate to support high-rate network applications in otherwise data-limited environments.