Wireless sensor network  is  the fastest emerging
modern  network  which  merge  sensing,  subtraction,  and
communication into a single tiny device. The control of wireless
sensor networks deceit in the ability to deploy large numbers of tiny
nodes that assemble and configure itself. Usage scenarios
for these devices range from real time tracking, to monitor of
environmental conditions, to ubiquitous computing environments.
The most straight forward application of wireless sensor network
technology is to monitor remote environment for low frequency
data trends. In MANETs, based on cooperative communication
which   gives   significant   challenges   to   security   issues.   During cooperative communication each user transmits its own bits. Trade off   is   observed   in   this. In   the   obtainable   system, authentication and   topology   control   issues   are   focused. Authentication and topology control are directly associated in MANETs and it is considered mutually together. JATC is used to improve through put in the system. Even though JATC improves the throughput, the energy protection is low, communication between networks is less and spam attacks are not avoided. To recover the throughput a secured algorithm is proposed. In projected system Secure Adaptive Distributed Topology Control Algorithm proposes a competence throughput in the scheme. A secure decentralized clustering algorithm for wireless ad-hoc sensor networks is implemented. This algorithm operates without a federal controller, which operate asynchronously, and does not require that the location of the sensors.