With the advent of Information Technology into almost every aspect of our lives, are we all really able to benefit from
it? This paper proposes a way to boost the success of government Schemes for Rural Development using kiosks. In the paper, a
solution is discussed that addresses the problem of government schemes not reaching their full potential via awareness among each
and everyone, and attempts to resolve it by using kiosk machines, to supply information regarding government schemes. The main
purpose is to provide information regarding government schemes to even those rural residents who can barely interact with an
electronic device. To do so, a very simple and easily understandable interface has been introduced in the paper. This interface may
also provide audio/visual aid. Using this, a person may also get a token, using his/her aadhar card number, to meet with the respective
office to proceed for a scheme. In the later versions, feature to transfer a particular page onto the persons mobile phone can also be