Mobile Ad hoc Network typically identifies an activity of Network elements through which combine to create a network requiring no preset infrastructure. Security would be the most commonly cited issue about wireless Ad hoc system. Wireless communities pose distinctive security issues. The Brand new Security Design for mobile Ad hoc network protects the information from a number of securities threats and as well leads to very much low computational complexness. The discovery of problems where these kinds of destructive node is present will make it easy for us to prevent that attack for much more transmission. This gives a proper technique to detect this particular malicious attack for example Black hole & Gray Hole. The actual propose Technique First safeguard the system from repudiation i. e. prevents generally sender or possibly receiver simply by denying affecting sending or receiving a data offer using Zero Knowledge Protocol (ZKP) for the reason that Authentication Structure to create certain the actual authenticity in the sender node. The device also used to detect Cloning Attack. Next, if an additional attack comes about the structure is helpful to providing a fix for discovery & decline of destructive attacks utilizing Extended Data routing Info (EDRI) table along with routing stand of AODV. In addition, it maintains a brief history of previously malicious node with regard to gray behavior. The EDRI procedure is displayed but just isn't implemented within NS-2 to supply a valuable performance element such as-Packet Delivery Ratio, Packet Deliver Rate by Number of Nodes, Latency, Average End to End Delay