Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These
applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of personnel in
a building. Fault Tolerance is therefore important in WSNs. The reliability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is affected by faults that may
occur due to various reasons such as malfunctioning hardware, software glitches, dislocation, or environmental hazards. A WSN that is not
prepared to deal with such situations may suffer a reduction in overall lifetime, or lead to hazardous consequences in critical application
contexts. One of the major fault recovery techniques is the exploitation of redundancy, which is often a default condition in WSNs. Another
major approach is the involvement of base stations or other resourceful nodes to maintain operations after failures. We present a selforganizing,
singlehop clustering scheme, which is based on partitioning sensor networks into several disjoint cliques. Clustering sensor
nodes into small groups is an effective method to achieve fault tolerance, scalability, load balancing, routing etc. Here, each node obtains a
list of its neighbour’s connectivity as well as their degree of connection at first. Then, the node with highest degree of connection initiates
clique formation process and makes the cluster. Among all the members of the cluster, the node with maximum energy is selected as cluster
head (CH).Simulations results obtain so far recovers the faults occurred in the WSN and also provide energy efficient network.