Nowadays Business Intelligence applications are trending in different fields such as Healthcare, LifeSciences, ERP, Marketing, Retail, food industry, travel and transport industry etc. This paper mainly focuses on how we can use different ETL functionalities in order to ease the daily routine task used in different healthcare industries.
DWH(Data Warehouse), DIKW(Data-Information-Knowledge-wisdom), ETL(Extract Transform Load), BI(Business Intelligence)
Shubhi Jain, Literature Review of Business Intelligence, “Compliance Engineering Journal,” Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021
S.S.Kulkarni, Neena Chaudhari, Jishan Mulla, AbhaKamble, Basit Sofe, “Business Intelligence solutions in HealthCare Sector,” International Education and Research Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2017.
Nitin Anand, Application of ETL tools in Business Intelligence, “International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,” Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012
Ranjith Katragadda, Sreenivas srimathTrimula, David Nandigam, ETL Tools for Data Warehousing : An empirical study of Open Source Talend Studio Versus Microsoft SSIS,ICWISCE'2015, “International Conference on Web Information System and Computing Education,” The 2nd World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems (WCCAIS'2015)
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