Big industries approach towards producing a newer product each time dismissing the earlier product as discarded is basically a wrong concept. Instead, they should ensure utility of earlier products with minor modifications to keep the earlier products viable; thus avoiding the e-waste generation. To be more explicit today in market all older Personal Computers are treated as waste. Perhaps R&D could have created some solutions to make them compatible with recent models with minor modifications, alteration, or through modular approach. Humankind has to learn that reusability is an essential part of living. Approach of western world to use and throw has been in conflict with the same that has resulted into mountains of wastes everywhere, particularly in third world countries. Reutilization of electronic products should be encouraged, which had been practiced earlier by elders. The industries generating these products must look the product life cycle starting from its creation till its disposal. The calculation of products cost should be done with a view of products life cycle. Reutilization is very vital concept and need to be implemented in electronic waste specially to reduce load of this type of garbage on earth.