In  this  paper  an  overview  on  the  main  issues  in  analog  IC design  in  scaled CMOS  technology  is presented.  Decreasing the  length  of  MOS  channel  and  the  gate  oxide  has  led  to undoubted advantages in terms of chip area, speed and power consumption  (mainly  exploited   in   the   digital parts).  Besides, some drawbacks are introduced in term of power leakage and reliability.  Moreover,  the scaled  technology  lower  supply voltage  requirement  has  led  analog  designers  to  find  new circuital solution to guarantee the required performance. Power   gating   with   high-K   transistors   is   then investigated  to  analyze  the  effects  of  such  a combination.  Finally,  the  results  are  compared  and the  effectiveness  of  the  various  leakage reduction techniques is analyzed. Threshold voltage change proved to have the most impact on performance  and  less  of  an  impact  on  leakage  reduction  while power   gating   offered   no significant performance drop and the highest impact on leakage power reduction.